Take The Personality Test

Take the Personality Test to Assess your Entrepreneurial Skills!

The Entrepreneurial Community of Choice to Help you Build a Business that Will Eventually Work for YOU!

Unlock the Power of Connections: Join an Ambitious and Exclusive Community of Likeminded Entrepreneurs Eager to Share Knowledge, Network, and Elevate Together You're on the Verge of a Transformative Journey to Help You Build a Business that Will Eventually Work for you!




Business Disconnect

Ever tried to talk to your partner, family and even the baby in the house about your business but they just don’t get it?



One of the toughest parts of being a small business owner is the feeling of loneliness.


Need for the Right Connections

Talking, learning and connecting with the right people who are on the same journey, boosts your energy and offers new ways of improving your business


YOU vs The World

It feels like you vs the world. And even though you have a good idea of what you should do in your business, having a network of like-minded people would be amazing.

If It Does?

Then, you already know how it would feel to connect with likeminded and aspiring entrepreneurs who will benefit you with their knowledge, experience and network too.

right icons

Why Do You Need This Community?

Networking Opportunities:

Connect with like-minded individuals, potential partners, and mentors who can offer valuable insights and support.

Mentorship and Guidance:

Gain guidance and advice from more experienced entrepreneurs, enabling you to navigate challenges and accelerate your business growth.

Knowledge Sharing:

Access a pool of diverse expertise, experiences, and industry knowledge that can help in problem-solving and decision-making.

Motivation and Inspiration:

Surround yourself with motivated individuals, drawing inspiration and maintaining a positive outlook, even during challeng

Introducing The Founders Cube

It’s a community for entrepreneurs!

the founders cube

How Can We Help You?


Community and Networking Opportunities:

Bridging Entrepreneurs, Easing Isolation, and Nurturing Valuable Partnerships for Growth and Collaboration.


Educational Short Course Videos

The Founders Cube's monthly short courses provide essential business insights and skills to empower entrepreneurs for ongoing growth in a competitive landscape.


Personalized Business Coaching and Mentorship

Access Mr. Sari Awwad, your dedicated business coach and mentor, via WhatsApp for personalized guidance, tailored advice, and informed decision-making to navigate entrepreneurship.


Diverse Industry Connections

Access a diverse network of entrepreneurs and business owners, spanning various industries, to gain valuable insights, foster innovation, and explore collaboration opportunities.

What Makes
The Founders Cube Different?


Exclusive Membership Selection:

Membership only opens a few times per year. Membership is by application only, ensuring a dedicated and serious community of entrepreneurs focused on growth.


Direct Access to Expert Guidance:

Members enjoy a direct WhatsApp hotline to Mr Sari Awwad an experienced business coach and mentor, providing timely and personalised support for informed decision-making.


One to One Coaching Discount:

Members also receive a generous discount on all one-to-one coaching packages offered by
Mr Sari Awwad.


Promotes Peer Collaboration

We value peer support, fostering an environment where entrepreneurs share experiences and insights, strengthening the collective network.

business support

Dedicated to Entrepreneurial Support

We are committed to serving entrepreneurs holistically, offering resources, mentorship, and education to aid in every stage of your journey.


The Platform allows members to search other members:

Members have the convenient ability to search and explore profiles of fellow entrepreneurial members. This feature simplifies networking by enabling members to connect with like-minded entrepreneurs.


Our Mission

To be the trusted compass for small business owners, guiding them through the journey to build a business that will eventually work for them. By offering expert mentorship, guidance and fostering connections among like-minded entrepreneurs.

Our Vision

To connect and educate entrepreneurs, fostering a thriving community of small business owners who support, inspire, and elevate one another to make a positive impact on society and build businesses that eventually work for them.

Sari Awwad

Meet The Visionary of
The Founders Cube

Salam, I'm Sari Awwad, a passionate entrepreneur. I started my journey at 20, facing limited resources and inexperience. However, being part of a supportive community in Sydney and Amman was a game-changer.Inspired by my journey, I founded The Founders Cube to bridge the entrepreneurial gap. I'm here to help you build successful businesses that will eventually work for you!

Now, with valuable experience under my belt and a burning desire to pay it forward, I am committed to helping aspiring and established entrepreneurs cultivate successful businesses that align with their passion and skills. Through a blend of mindset coaching, business expertise, and tailored marketing strategies, I guide my entrepreneur clients to confidently focus on their goals and unlock their potential, propelling them towards their vision of success.Join The Founders Cube and let's build, learn, and grow together on this exciting entrepreneurial journey!

Apply Now


Can I change my membership plan?

Yes, you may change your membership plan at any point.

What happens if The Cube Code of Conduct" was broken?

For the safety and harmony of the community and its members, everyone must abide "The Cube Code of Conduct". It's a set of strict rules and guidelines that all members of our community must follow. Any breaking of the "The Cube Code of Conduct" will not be tolerated and may result in terminating memberships.

How will I connect with other entrepreneurs?

You will be able to search for entrepreneurs on The Founders Cube platform, and connect to each other via The Founders Cube WhatsApp Community.

When can I become a member?

Membership opens a few times a year. When closed, you can join the waitlist and we will inform once membership opens again!

Is there a referral program?

Yes! With every accepted member you refer & signs up for the yearly "Visionary" plan, you both get 2 months FREE.

What are the benefits of being a member?

As a member of The Founders Cube, you will connect with other like-minded and ambitious entrepreneurs. You will get direct access to expert guidance through our Whatsapp hotline. Engage in our Whatsapp Community and participate in live events too. As well as gain access to our monthly short business videos and live zoom sessions.

How do I become a member of The Founders Cube Community?

To become a member, you first need to be an entrepreneur / small business owner. Then, you may apply by filling in the application, next we will review your application and if approved you will be asked to choose one of our memberships plans and then gain access to our growing entrepreneur community of like-minded founders who are on the same journey as you.

Are there different membership plans available?

Yes, we offer 3-month, 6-month, and yearly membership plans to cater to your preferences and needs.

What is The Founders Cube all about?

In summary, The Founders Cube is an exclusive community designed for entrepreneurs and small business owners to help build businesses that will eventually work from them. They will share expertise, attend live events, and access direct expert guidance through our WhatsApp hotline with Mr Sari Awwad (The Visionary behind the The Founders Cube).

Can I access the community on my mobile device?

Yes, our platform is mobile-friendly, enabling you to access the community and engage with members on the go.

Can I create and personalise my profile?

Absolutely! You can create a personalised profile showcasing your photo, expertise, business details, achievements and contact details within the platform.

How often are live events conducted?

Live events are scheduled periodically, and you will receive notifications in advance to ensure you can participate and engage with fellow members.

How can I access the expert's guidance through the WhatsApp hotline?

As a member, you will receive instructions on how to join the WhatsApp community, where you can also ask quick questions and seek guidance directly from Mr Sari Awwad privately through Whatsapp.

How can I reset my password if I forget it?

You can reset your password by clicking on the "Forgot Password" link on the login page and following the instructions provided.

Can I network with members outside of live events?

Absolutely! The Founders Cube platform facilitates networking with members through private messaging and community discussions and we highly encourage that all members to connect in and out of the community too. That's the main aim of The Founders Cube!

What happens if I don’t get accepted for the membership?

If you are not accepted for membership, we will notify you and provide you with feedback on your application. You are welcome to reapply for membership in the future.

Can I provide feedback or suggest improvements for the community?

Yes, we encourage members to provide feedback and suggestions to help us enhance the community. You can do this through our designated feedback channel.

Can I cancel my membership plan?

Yes, you may cancel your membership at any point. You will still have access to the resources and WhatsApp group for the remaining time of the membership you already paid for, after which you’ll lose access to all of the content and the community.

Is my payment information secure?

Yes, we use secure payment gateways to ensure your payment information is encrypted and kept confidential.